My approach at a simplistic implementation of weather simulation

27 novembre 2021 0 Par Joan Heimanu Teriihoania

I rarely touch any topic that has anything to do with mathematics and yet, here I am. Vectors, matrices, and anything of the sort would normally repulse me. Why? No idea. But this time around, I tried something different, and… I liked doing math. Because this time, I tried doing something I normally dislike (Math), with something I like (Programming). And that was awesome.

This is my approach at a simplistic implementation of a weather simulation on a given custom-generated heightmap, to experiment with applied mathematics in computer science

World 515 – Temperature map of Weather simulation on custom heightmap (cycle 1-6 553) – YouTube

World 515 – Satelite map of Weather simulation on custom heightmap (cycle 1-6 553) – YouTube

Weather simulation
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